KUSHIKATSU First in Davao

Strolling in a mall is also a great time for me to look for a food express that I haven't tried yet.

NCCC Main Davao-Uyanguren. Together with my youngest daughter, we went to our favorite grocery store ever.  Love doing my shopping here because they have tons of products to choose from and gives great deals and I never leave empty handed. And as we finish shopping we stroll to look for a food that we haven't tried, something that will indulge our taste buds in a unique, delicious and healthy treats.  Then we saw KUSHIKATSU FOOD EXPRESS.

Kushikatsu is a breaded and deep-fried meat or vegetables on skewers in Japanese.  

A small kiosk fronting the grocery, so easy to see.  And a beautiful and humble staff will get your order and if you're not sure what to order she's there to give you suggestions.

As you can see the shelf was almost empty, that is because people who have tasted their food love it so much.

I've order PORK KATSU, TUNA BELLY KATSU and their GREEN ICE TEA for a total price of PHp80 only.

Taste good and so yummy. Easy to eat and served with dipping sauce.




First time to drink GREEN ICE TEA, so refreshingly good.

And because they are the first KUSHIKATSU
here in Davao (just open recently), they have this PROMO.

And for my bring home I choose the same KATSU.

Come and try this lovely and friendly kiosk located at NCCC-Uyanguren.  Hang-out and make it your own first stop.  I'll definitely be coming back!


  1. I haven't been to NCCC Main lately but like you, I always stop by for snacks after grocery whenever I shop at NCCC Main. Kushikatsu is a good addition to the list of food stations in NCCC, and they've got friendly prices, too.

  2. This can be a real for those people who love snacks. Kushikatsu - catchy brand name huh. :D

  3. Hmmm... nice place to visit if you have limited budget and all you need is a quick snack. Yum nom nom!

  4. Interesting! Those katsu looks tasty and the price is cheap, too. Would love to try them one day.

